Aah, the sweet spot where visions and dreams collide. In a good way. For my husband and I it was seeing the movie Against All Odds. The main locale was Isla Mujeres, Mexico, (the Caribbean side) and the pyramids at Tulum and Chichen Itza. Bingo! We'd already been to Isla but seeing the pyramids in all their awe-inspiring glory nailed it. Our next trip south took us to Merida, then on to Chichen Itza. Tulum was next up to bat. And so it goes.

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How wonderful it is to have found your place, Jeanine! Life becomes so much richer, doesn't it, when we know where we belong?

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I suppose France in general, specifically Tours where I did a university year abroad in 1980, and Paris, to which we were always hopping up on the train. I fell in love with the country and the language, later fell in love with a French man, and have now lived here for 34 years.

But I especially loved your memories of The Sound of Music! I was also totally enchanted by it as a child.

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That is such a benefit of travel! Whether it is to another city, another state, or another country. You can only discover how you feel about a place once you have been there. How lovely that you found your place in France.

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I loved that movie growing up. I wanted a dress like Liesl and I used to dance around this gazebo by my grandparents beach house singing 🎶 “I am sixteen” (I really didn’t know the words or context of her bf being a Nazi, it just seemed dreamlike and romantic to me). I would love to hear more about your life in Austria!

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Thank you, Brenna. Women all over Austria--especially in the smaller communities outside of Vienna--still wear dresses like the one Liesl wore--so you could always indulge your fantasy when you visit Austria!

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Absolutely! For me, it was watching “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. It compelled me so much that my husband and I moved to New Zealand our first year of marriage, living there for a year on a working holiday visa. That place is special to us not just for the gorgeous landscape … but for the people. 🤍

Loved reading your words, you are a fantastic storyteller! About to hit the subscribe button! 😊

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Thank you for the compliment! I really appreciate it.

My husband, Gerhard, went on his dream sabbatical to New Zealand shortly after we met. He started in the north and then wandered south to his heart's content for three months. In addition to exploring a beautiful country, he was looking for a place on the sea to retire to. (He is a landlocked Austrian who loves the ocean.) In the end, we decided on Ireland, but New Zealand was a very close second.

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Great story Clarice. It was one of the first if not THE first movie I ever saw. My dad took the whole family to a nearby town so we could see it. As soon as we got home my sister and rushed to the piano to pick out “Doe, a deer, a female deer!, Re, a drop of golden sun!”

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Wow. Your sister is a much better pianist than I am! (What a lovely memory.)

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What a lovely piece Clarice. I'm so pleased my own piece produced so many memories for you. Influential movie? It would have to be 'Easy Rider'. When Fonda and Hopper set off and Steppenwolf sang "Get out on the highway" I just had to join them!

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I loved that song! And "Easy Rider" was such an influence on our generation, wasn't it?

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I really enjoy your story-telling Clarice! So much experience from all over the world!

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Thank you, Mohika!

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