A healing statue of Virgin Mary that draws a million pilgrims a year, charming buildings dating from the Middle Ages, and an absolutely amazing pharmacy focused on healing plants and herbs
I simply love this post. Also amazing that it correlates w/ the Virgin of Guadalupe origin story of how her basilica near Mexico City was built. What a Beautiful church! Simply gorgeous. And the apothecary shop. I can see why you have fallen in love with it. I also like the concept of all the Alpine forest herbs being used—far and wide. Just an aside, did you ever consider making a poultice from one or several of those herbs for your arm? For pain? Or perhaps the pain was not too bad.
I'm really glad you like the post, Jeanine. It's fascinating how similar stories can occur in different parts of the world, isn't it? I just came across the pharmacy two days ago--because I needed a band-aid for my thumb!--so I didn't even think about a poultice to relieve the pain/help to heal my arm. (I'm not familiar enough with herbs to figure it out on my own.) They apparently ship their products internationally, so I will definitely think of contacting them in the future...
I loved the looks of it, Clarice. So orderly. I have no idea how to make a poultice but a Mexican friend put poultices all over his son who had sunburn. It was quite a sight.
What a magical place of healing! You really should go in the summer sometime, it must be full of flowers.
I'm sure that is true. It must be gorgeous in the spring and summer.
What a gorgeous pharmacy/apothecary!
I know. Isn't it amazing?!
I simply love this post. Also amazing that it correlates w/ the Virgin of Guadalupe origin story of how her basilica near Mexico City was built. What a Beautiful church! Simply gorgeous. And the apothecary shop. I can see why you have fallen in love with it. I also like the concept of all the Alpine forest herbs being used—far and wide. Just an aside, did you ever consider making a poultice from one or several of those herbs for your arm? For pain? Or perhaps the pain was not too bad.
I'm really glad you like the post, Jeanine. It's fascinating how similar stories can occur in different parts of the world, isn't it? I just came across the pharmacy two days ago--because I needed a band-aid for my thumb!--so I didn't even think about a poultice to relieve the pain/help to heal my arm. (I'm not familiar enough with herbs to figure it out on my own.) They apparently ship their products internationally, so I will definitely think of contacting them in the future...
I loved the looks of it, Clarice. So orderly. I have no idea how to make a poultice but a Mexican friend put poultices all over his son who had sunburn. It was quite a sight.