What beautiful photographs you and Gerard took! Its truly a magical place with so many mysteries that will probably never be revealed.

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Thank you, Janice, I'm glad you like the photos. It's amazing to me that there is so little information about who built all of this--it is such a major achievement!

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Clarice, thanks for yet another Stunning publication of yours! May more of these blend with nature communities be our way to a sustainable future! Less asphalt and concrete! Your work also proves the message of Wildlands mission- Want to collaborate on an essay? Cheers to you, Gerhard and Travel Doorways, well done!

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Thank you, Robin. I'm really glad you like the post. And yes, it might be fun to collaborate.

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Just say when, no pressure- a blend of our messages would be fun. Reach out anytime.

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Thank you, Robin. Considering my upcoming schedule--we'll be in Vienna in April, and in May and June we'll be hosting three waves of visits from our (collective) children and their partners--so it might not be until late June or July until I reach out, but I won't forget your offer!

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Sounds amazing and Enjoy! Your timing will be perfect when it works. Cheers!

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