Clarice, I had forgotten that I commented on a previous piece of yours where I mentioned Christmas markets. My favourites echo yours, the gluhwein at Karlsplatz is definitely the best, and my daughter loves the old-fashioned carousel powered by bicycles. With the AltWiener market, I really like their daily bands (at 1630), it's very low-key and understated but a lovely range of different musical styles.

One thing I (and my daughter) find sad/frustrating - right around 6 January when all of the Christmas trees are discarded, i noticed how intact and beautiful they still looked. It was as if people barely used them. We put ours up as early as we could (mid-Dec) and left it till mid-Jan, mainly to get our moneys' worth and so the tree wouldn't be sacrificed in vain!

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That sounds like a good idea! It's always a bit depressing when the tree and lights are gone, isn't it?

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A beautiful piece at a special time and all those pictures give you an added dimension and appreciation of Christmas in Vienna

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Thank you, George. I'm glad you like the piece.

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I need to pack up and live here…what a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season. I love the photo of St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

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Vienna really is a magical place in the winter. And spring and fall. (Unfortunately, it's getting much too hot for me in the summer now.) I'm glad you like the photo of St. Stephen's--it is an amazing building whose spire can be seen from many places around the city.

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Hands down one of our favourite cities on earth! Merry Christmas, Clarice!

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Thank you! And Merry Christmas to you!

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Such a beautiful article with lovely photos! Vienna truly feels magical during Christmas :)

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Thank you, Ioanna.

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Beautiful photos!!!

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Thank you, Gabi!

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Clarice, thanks for this gorgeous and (sadly) vicarious tour through the Christmas markets of Vienna. I agree with Jeanine that the photos are terrific and definitely give us an idea of what we are missing by not being there. I also enjoyed the descriptions, history and tidbits from your husband’s childhood memories of Christmas in Austria. This is definitely going on my bucket list for a future trip.

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Thank you, Ruth. I'm really glad you enjoyed the piece.

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Clarice, these might be some of your Best photos yet! I can see why you wanted to return to Vienna for Christmastime and the Christmas markets! They are absolutely stunning, and your photography -- wow! Thank you for a birdseye view into some spectacular beauty!!! And Feliz Navidad, amiga!!!

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Thank you, Jeanine. I just point and shoot--my phone has a really good camera--and the subjects are amazing. Feliz Navidad para ti también!

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Well, I think you're being rather humble, but that's okay-- as long as you hold onto that phone ):

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What a magical time of year to visit Vienna! When do the markets set up their booths and when do they take them down? That's an awful lot of work for just a few weeks.

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Each market sets up and takes down on a little bit of a different time schedule. For example, Schonbrunn opened on the 8th of November and will close on the 6th of January. Karlsplatz opened on November 15 and will close on the 23rd of December.

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