Hello, I’m Clarice. Welcome to Travel Doorways.

I have always loved the idea of going through some kind of doorway that leads to a completely new world. One in which you meet new people, have a variety of experiences and learn new things. When you return back to your “normal” world, you are changed somehow—a little wiser, more inspired, more self-aware. (As you might guess, I loved The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a child and all of the Harry Potter stories as an adult!)

I think travel—especially slow travel—can provide the doorway to such transformation. Slow travel means taking the time to connect with and learn from the people and places you visit. It might mean spending a few days in one place rather than trying to visit 10 capital cities in Europe in 10 days. It might also mean focusing on out-of-the way places or on nature herself rather than on yet another museum or monument.

Best of all, slow travel can give you some great stories to tell!

Why subscribe to Travel Doorways?

My posts focus on such things as:

  • Stories and photographs of places I’ve visited that might inspire you to visit there as well

  • Posts about slow travel and how to connect more fully to the people and places you visit

  • Stories about living as an expat in Ireland and Austria

  • Stories about nature and rewilding our garden on the west coast of County Kerry, Ireland

  • Personal reflections on travel, life, and whatever else I am thinking of at the time

  • Specific recommendations for hotels and restaurants that I love

About me

Like all of you, I have many different guises: Lover of words, languages, cultures and singing. Writer, editor and teacher. Wife, mother and grandmother.

The more I think of it, the more I realize that my life consists of six major chapters:

  1. Growing up on a horse and cattle ranch in Montana at the tail end of the cowboy era

  2. Turning my dreams of living in other countries into reality by studying and/or working in Montreal, Germany and Mexico

  3. Serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kabul, Afghanistan

  4. Raising my two daughters in Portland, Oregon

  5. Working as an editor and writer for a nongovernmental organization in Vienna, Austria

  6. Living as a retiree on the west coast of Ireland with my Austrian husband, Gerhard

Clearly, I have walked through many travel doorways over the years, and my life has been incredibly enriched by all of them!

About you

If any these topics resonate with you, I would be thrilled to have you accompany me on this journey by becoming a subscriber.

I would also love to hear YOUR travel stories as well. The more we connect with each other, the stronger and more supportive a community we can create.

What readers say

“I love listening to people who have been on this earth a few decades already. Clarice is a wonderful example. Not only is her writing beautiful and captivating, but she has lots to tell. She traveled the world, lived in several countries, was a Peace Corps Volunteer in the 1970s... and that's just what I have learned about her so far. I can highly recommend this Substack as it offers lots of interesting reading.” —Rebecca Lötscher, A Wannabe Artist

“‘I did not choose Afghanistan. She somehow chose me.’ This post, the first in a series from @Clarice Dankers, had me hooked from the first line. Afghanistan has a rich, varied history, and this is a great primer. Looking forward to the next installment!” M.E. Rothwell. Cosmographia

"I supported your work because I so appreciate your ability to document and share your travels through your writings! I love seeing the world through your eyes!"—E.C.

"Absolutely stunning! And so inspiring for anyone who has a garden. I love the quotes you chose and will read them again and again. Thank you Clarice for the perfect mix of words, art, and travel.” —M.K.

“Travel Doorways truly is an opening into a thoughtful, slower way to experience the world through travel. Clarice's essays tell stories about the places she's been, the land she's walked and the people she's met, and with outstanding photos. You'll be right there with her.” —Jeanine Kitchel, Mexico Soul

Subscribe to Travel Doorways

Building cultural bridges through personal stories and photographs on travel, nature and expat life in Europe


American travel writer and photographer living in Ireland