Dear readers,
I am really happy to share with you a Substack post I wrote that was recently published by Elizabeth Ink. Elizabeth is an American who is married to a Frenchman and lives in Switzerland. She writes wonderful pieces on Substack that have to do with the pros and cons of expatriate life.
One of the special features of Elizabeth’s blog is an interview series titled “Should you move to . . .” These pieces are written by expatriates who are living in countries around the world, and I am happy to report that I am one of them!
Although the title of my piece only mentions Ireland, I actually wrote about expatriate life in Austria as well.
You can read the piece here:
In many ways being a stranger in a strange land is very freeing!
This is a very interesting article about adjusting to life in Austria and Ireland. There are many challenges and a great deal of patience and a good sense of humor are required when adjusting to different habits and ways of being. But it is so worthwhile and life changing. You learn so much about who you are and what your cultural assumptions are that would never have happened in your home country.